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Environmental degradation is the deterioration of the environment through depletion of resources such as air, water and soil; the destruction of ecosystems; habitat destruction; the extinction of wildlife; and pollution. (Wikipedia)


Environmental issues can be seen by long term ecological effects, some of which can demolish whole environments. An environment is a unique unit and incorporates all the living and non-living components that live inside it. Plants and creatures are evident parts of the environment, but it also includes the things on which they depend on, for example, streams, lakes, and soils.

Causes of Environmental Degradation


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 A more basic cause of environmental degradation is land damage. Numerous weedy plant species, for example, garlic mustard, are both foreign and obtrusive. A rupture in the environmental surroundings provides for them a chance to start growing and spreading. These plants can assume control over nature, eliminating the local greenery. The result is territory with a solitary predominant plant which doesn’t give satisfactory food assets to all the environmental life. Whole environments can be destroyed because of these invasive species.


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 Rapid population growth puts strain on natural resources which results in degradation of our environment. Mortality rate has gone down due to better medical facilities which has resulted in increased lifespan. More population simple means more demand for food, clothes and shelter. You need more space to grow food and provide homes to millions of people. This results in deforestation which is another factor of environmental degradation.


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  Pollution, in whatever form, whether it is air, water, land or noise is harmful for the environment. Air pollution pollutes the air that we breathe which causes health issues. Water pollution degrades the quality of water that we use for drinking purposes. Land pollution results in degradation of earth’s surface as a result of human activities. Noise pollution can cause irreparable damage to our ears when exposed to continuous large sounds like honking of vehicles on a busy road or machines producing large noise in a factory or a mill.


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   Landfills pollute the environment and destroy the beauty of the city. Landfills come within the city due the large amount of waste that gets generated by households, industries, factories and hospitals. Landfills pose a great risk to the health of the environment and the people who live there. Landfills produce foul smell when burned and cause huge environmental degradation.

5. Deforestation

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 Deforestation is the cutting down of trees to make way for more homes and industries. Rapid growth in population and urban sprawl are two of the major causes of deforestation. Apart from that, use of forest land for agriculture, animal grazing, harvest for fuel wood and logging are some of the other causes of deforestation. Deforestation contributes to global warming as decreased forest size puts carbon back into the environment.

The Best Ways to Prevent Environmental Degradation

prevent environment pollution

Reduce Our Over All Consumption of Resources

Our natural resources that the planet gives us are limited, but many people seem to forget that. If we cut down our consumption by at least 70%, think of how much we could save. This includes cutting down trees to make paper and other materials that we need, as well as fossil fuels, such as oil, to fuel our cars and keep our industries moving. There are many companies who have already made the switch to go green for the purpose of cutting down their over all resource consumption, such as power, which every company should consider doing. Our wildlife and flora rely on their natural environment, and if we keep tearing it down to serve our needs, we will have nothing left.

Reuse All the Resources and Materials That We Possibly Can

Second-hand consumption is definitely looked down upon, probably because we know that for what we use, we’ll have more eventually. However, this will not be the case forever. Once something runs out, we will never be able to get that resource back. If people start reusing specific things, environmental degradation will be greatly reduced. We all must remember that we do not use the things that were once used before us, which is a scary thought in itself.

Recycle What We Can, Whenever We Can

Recycling is the best way to slow down environmental degradation, and is something that everyone should partake in. If we want to save the planet and take on this mission together, recycling the best way to fight environmental degradation together.

Green Transportation

If we all rode bikes instead of driving cars, we could combat pollution quite easily. Cars and other vehicles release pollution into the air, which only causes the slow, deadly process of environment degradation to speed up, and cut our time on this planet even shorter. Not only would the air be so much cleaner if we all chose green transportation, such as bike riding to get to where we all need to go throughout the day, but over time we would all be in better shape. Meeting the needs of everyone, especially our planet, when it comes to green transportation is so important, and among one of the best ways to combat environments degradation.

Give Back to the Environment

The best possible way to help prevent environmental degradation, is to give back to the environment. You can do this successfully by planting three trees for every one that is cut down for the forestry industry. When it comes to the planet’s trees, you can never have enough. Trees give us clean air to breathe, they literally filter out the bad and pump out the good, which is why we’d never survive without them. Keeping our forests alive are not only important to our ecosystem, but to the wildlife system of the world as well, because it’s their home. When the food chain is affected, we as humans are all affected.

